Going Above The Call Duty

GEMS EMTs Assist Disabled Patient In Getting Wheelchair



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While dropping off a patient at a local skilled nursing facility, EMTs Jose and Austin overheard the staff running out of options to get a patient’s electric wheel chair to the facility. The patient had recently suffered a stroke and was not able to get the chair herself.  The staff discussed a variety of options, however the patient did not have any family members in the local area to help and a wheelchair service was unable to pick up the chair in a timely manner.  The facility was running out of options.


“We felt bad for the patient.  We knew we had to do something,” said EMT Austin.  “If I was in a skilled nursing facility, I would want my wheelchair.”  EMTs Jose and Austin called the on duty supervisor to discuss if Guardian Elite Medical Services could do anything.  EMS Chief Samuel Scheller was the on duty supervisor that day and the three of them came up with a plan to use a pickup truck to get the patient’s wheelchair.  After some final planning with the facility’s social worker, EMTs Austin and Jose picked up the patient and her social worker in an ambulance from the facility while Chief Samuel met the crew at the patient’s residence.


After gaining access to the patient’s residence, EMTs Jose and Austin and Chief Samuel were able to get the wheelchair and some of the patient’s personal items. The team successfully returned the patient, her social worker, her wheelchair, and her personal items to the skilled nursing facility.  “It is always great to help someone in need,” says EMS Chief Samuel Scheller.  “EMTs Jose and Austin exemplify what our company is all about.  People taking care of people.”



Guardian Elite Medical Services is an ambulance company licensed to provide Advanced Life Support and Basic Life Support non-emergency ambulance services in the City of Las Vegas, Boulder City, and all Federal Facilities.  For more information email info@gemslv.comor by phone at 702-GEMS-911 (702-436-7911).